Friday, April 11, 2008

New Business Cards

I need to be better about updating this... it's still a bit new, so I'm sure I'll get there.

But in the mean time, I received my new business cards today!!!

Maybe I'm a geek for being excited about them, but these are the first cards for my business that I've gotten pretty much everything I wanted in them and had them printed with no compromises: handmade paper, deckled edges, letterpress printing and my logo debossed.

Christopher at Porridge Papers was great to work with. They do wedding invitations, birth announcements, pretty much anything that you can imagine. (He was even able to make my cards the dimensions I requested... which are not standard) And they have really cool plantable papers (my business cards are not, but I did order some of that as well). Check out their website for some of the awesome work they do.

I can see where this could get addicting. I really like what we did for our Christmas cards last year, but I'm already getting ideas after feeling the quality of their work. Geek? Yeah, I know. :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

My kids being silly

When it's time for a nap, they hardly ever do this.

But I go in their room and they are "playing" nap time:

Senior Headshots

Just posting a few shots from this weekend. I am really liking this style of lighting. It's a very simple setup but the results are very nice.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A few from a wedding this weekend

I was a second photographer at a wedding this weekend for Pam Lary Photography. I don't normally process images when I'm a second photographer, so these are just a quick few I picked out.

First is a shot of one of the flower girls. Second is another of the same flower girl with her mom in the background. While we had light, the lighting was very nice in the church:

But once it started getting dark, the church was very, very dark. This third shot is a wide-angle shot of the ceremony and last is a closeup during the vows:

Could post a lot more from this wedding... it was so nice! It was a beautiful wedding. The couple, their family, and the whole wedding party were wonderful people. It's such a blessing for a family to let you photograph them during such an important event in life.

Thanks for taking a look!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Website Update - Bridal Portraits

I've been using Big Folio for a little over a year now to host my website and I haven't updated it since I first set up the site. (Something that I'll try to work on this year!)

So, I've added a few bridal portraits. My website is at and the bridals are posted under the portrait section. Check it out... and let me know what you think.

More updates coming soon!

Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Kiddos

What better way to start off than pictures of my kids!

First Post

Hi There!

So I'm going to start blogging. My first go at this sort of a thing was a picture-a-day project that I did a while back (over a year ago, I guess!)

Thought this might be a nice way to keep family and friends updated with what I'm up to with my business. And I have a lot of ideas for small photography projects, so I thought it may be fun to just put them out on the web and get some feedback. Always learning! Probably will be lots of pictures of the kids too though!

Hopefully I won't spend too much time playing with the interface, but I need the page layout how I want... there is a lot of functionality! Big thanks to Kenny Kim for the photo of me from the Mike Colón and Bob Davis seminar in Dallas last weekend. I never do self-portraits, but I might have to work on that!